Friday, January 29, 2010

The Gates' Donate $10 Billion to fight disease

In the words of the great captain of industry, Andrew Carnegie:

"The amassing of wealth is one of the worse species of idolatry. No idol more debasing than the worship of money... the man who dies thus rich dies disgraced."

Bill and Melinda Gates announced today that they would be donating $10 Billion of their cumulative wealth solely to the purpose of finding vaccines for the larger diseases that plague man today: AIDS, TB, rota virus, and pneumonia, mainly.

As stated in an economists take on the worlds more pressing issues, disease control is economically the most feasible and cost effective problem we can fix with the world. The Gates' donation in reality is a large chunk of the battle that could solve these problems. To solve our issues with fresh water and world hunger, it would only take a few federal donations of the same amount to alleviate them all together. As a believer in Carnegie's idea on the purpose of amassing wealth, I appreciate the Gates' donation and hope it sparks similar acts in other superwealthy men.

1 comment:


    This is a pretty good talk by Gates on malaria.
